Winter Rye
- Winter rye is usually used as a winter cover crop because of its tolerance to adverse growing environments. Winter rye is the most winter hardy and earliest maturing cereal grain.
- It is more productive than other cereals on infertile, sandy, or acidic soils, and on poorly prepared land.
- When used as winter cover, winter rye is usually seeded at a rate of 60 to 90 pounds per acre.
- When grown for grain production, winter rye should be seeded between September 20 and October 20 at the rate of 84 to 112 pounds of high-quality seed per acre.
- The seed should be planted one-inch deep.
- When used as a winter cover crop or a green manure crop, it should be seeded in early September.
- Fertilization is similar to wheat, but nitrogen application should be limited to 40 pounds per acre.
- Rye competes well with weeds, and herbicides are generally not needed.